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Property Stabilization Project (2011)



This project was many years in the planning and was executed in 2011.  The primary objective of the project was to stabilize the foundations of all the upper buildings.  It was also needed to replace an aging "railroad tie" wall that supported the roadway above the lower buildings. The project comprised a comprehensive and robust solution to secure both the upper building foundations and roadway, and involved the following steps:

  • removal of half of the roadway (down about 30-40 feet, to the bottom of the lower units)

  • drilling two rows of holes horizontally into the bedrock along the length of the complex

  • screwing ~40ft long bolts into the bedrock and attaching two rows of 10ft by 10ft concrete plates to the bolts and tightening them down to pull the whole of the remaining substructure of the road, and through this the foundations, into the hill. 

  • construction of a new roadway (including installation of snowmelt and associated drainage systems)

  • construction of a new wall facing the lower buildings, and new stairways to the lower buildings 

The overall cost of the project was of the order of $6MM, and the work was carried out by The Neenan Company (currently based in Fort Collins, CO).  Historical information, including photographs were taken during construction, newsletters, and other Owner communications are provided below.



Wall Construction Photos:


Week 20, 21, 22 photo albums


Week 23 photos


Week 24- 25 photos


Week 26 photos


Week 27-28 photos


Week 29-30 photos


Week 30-31 photos






Construction Updates by Week


Week 1 & 2 Update            Week 15 Update


Week 3 Update                   Week 16 & 17 Update


Week 4 Update                   Week 18 & 19 Update


Week 5 Update                   Week 20 Update


Week 6 Update                   Week 21-22 Update


Week 7 Update                   Week 23 Update


Week 8 Update                   Weeks 24-25 Update


Week 9 Update                   Week 26 Update


Week 10 Update                 Weeks 27 & 28 Update


Week 11 Update                 Week 29 Update


Week 12 Update                 Week 30-31 Update


Week 13 Update                 Reopening Notification


Week 14 Update



Miscellaneous Owner Communications


 The following links provide additional information on Owner communications prior to the initiation of construction.



March Update on Assessments


March 23rd Response to Email

March 2nd Update on Assessments



January Update on Assessments


January 22nd Update on Renovation Project

January 5th Update on Renovation Project &  Assessments



December Update on Assessments


December 14th Update on Assessments

December 3rd Update on Assessments



November Update on Bank Financing


November Update on Bank Financing Letter



August Update on Bank Financing


August Update on Bank Financing Letter



Homeowner Special Meeting July 25, 2009


July 25, 2009 Homeowner Special Meeting Minutes



Homeowner Special Informational Meeting May 2, 2009


May 2, 2009 Homeowner Special Informational Meeting Minutes



Letter to HOA from BOD June 11, 2009


June 11, 2009 Letter to HOA from BOD


Letter to HOA from Ray Pigg (Neenan)



Neenan Renovation Presentation


View Neenan Company Presentation (6.61MB PDF)



Notice of Special Meeting and Agenda


April 15, 2009 Notice and Agenda





Special Meeting May 2, 2009


Letter to Homeowner's


Introduction Letter


Letter from George Falk HOA president, discussing the replacement of railroad tie wall





Wish List: 3/25/07




December 2007 Update from Board





February 1, 2008, Update - renovation project is to potentially begin April 2008.




Planning Commission Approval


On Wednesday, February 6,  Town of Snowmass Village Planning Commission unanimously approved the Snowmass Mountain Condominium Renovation Plan as amended.  This means the plan now moves forward to the Town Council for their review and approval.   Tuesday, February 19th, is scheduled for the project to be before the Town Council. 


Town Council Preliminary Approval!


On Tuesday, February 19th, the Town Council granted preliminary Plan Approval to the Snowmass Mountain Condominium PUD Amendment.   This was the first of two readings before Town Council.  The next presentation before the Town is March 3rd, seeking final approval of the PUD.    So far, this keeps the Association on track for the April 1, 2008 start date. 


Project Delayed


On Monday, March 3rd, 2008, the Snowmass Mountain Board of Directors have opted to delay the Property Shutdown until the 2009 building season.  Delays in the planning and permitting process have necessitated this delay to ensure timely completion, quality, and cost control.

More detail will follow with a letter detailing the issues from your Board of Directors.


Town Approval


Great News!

The Snowmass Village Town Council Approved the Snowmass Mountain Condominium minor P.U.D. amendment and Redevelopment project on July 14th by a supermajority. This means that the re-development project submitted by the Association can move forward and does not need any more approvals from Town Council.


The Snowmass Mountain Board of Directors will be meeting on August 15th to discuss the project and will update the Owners at the Annual Homeowners meeting scheduled for September 6th. Please plan on attending this very important meeting of the Homeowners to learn more about the redevelopment project for Snowmass Mountain Condominiums.





Notes on September 6, 2008 HOA meeting



Homeowners Letter: Sept 15, 2008



Homeowners Letter: Nov 1, 2008 - project delayed



Homeowners Letter: March 4, 2009



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